any suggestions?How do i do i find out if im able to get refund on mortgage inertest ?
You don't get a ';refund'; of mortgage interest - it can be used as an itemized deduction to lower your taxable income if it's more than the standard deduction (married joint standard deduction is 10,700). If you don't owe taxes in the first place it will do nothing for you.How do i do i find out if im able to get refund on mortgage inertest ?
You'll have to ask your mortgage lender about that. There are no tax refunds for mortgage interest. There's an itemized deduction for it, but if your receiving SS benefits and don't pay taxes there's no benefit for you there.
To claim interest deduction you must file form 1040- go to %26amp; fill it in to see if your deduction is enough to make it worth while. You can also do form 1040EZ- whichever one gives the biggest refund is the one to actually file.
I used ';Credit Solution'; to settle my mortgage.They managed to reduce my mortgage up to 58%.It's legitimate.I came across this company on NBC News Special Edition.Check it out here:
if your only income is ss then you probly are not required to file taxes. the mortagage intrest helps reduce your taxes so if you dont have any taxes to pay then it will not help you. you will not get an exact refund on your mortgage int.
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