Friday, August 20, 2010

When a mortgage company makes an error what rights do I have?

My mortgage company made a clerical error which resulted in forclosure on my home. I was never late and always paid more and had all the proof but I could not get anyone to listen to me and an attourney wanted large amounts of money just to send a letter to stop the forclosure. I already had all the proof and had done all the leg work. I finally got the forclosure stopped 2 days before the sale and was issued a large check because I had too much money in my escorw after they corrected the error but it has ruined my life. I am a single mom and do not have lots of money to hire an attorney. They all tell me it is common.When a mortgage company makes an error what rights do I have?
Your rights will vary depending both upon the state in which this took place and the contract you have with your mortgage company. However, if you stopped the foreclosure and received a refund, it seems unlikely that you'll have substantial monetary damages.When a mortgage company makes an error what rights do I have?
If this is the case, I would definitely utilize some of the funds you received from the large check you got back to consult with a good Attorney. By paying a little up front for a retainer, if what you have said is correct, you're going to get a heck of a lot more than that when you go to court, if it gets that far. I'm sure you can find an Attorney that, once you pay just the consultation fee, and they realize they have a winning case that will work based off of the percentage of the future winnings. Good luck.

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