Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What can I do about my neighbor sending me a letter with my personal mortgage account number?

We are in small claims. She is suing me. She sent me a letter with my personal mortgage account number listed and the phone number of the bank demanding I call and get a copy of the mortgage survey.

The funny thig is, there isn't one and never was. I Told her this 4 months ago.

I called the police and they said this a civil matter. I consider this to be stealing personal information. I feel as if I'm under attack. What can I do?

PLEASE................ANY suggestions would be helpful.What can I do about my neighbor sending me a letter with my personal mortgage account number?
I assume there is a dispute over property lines. A survey is not done for a mortgage, the property lines are written in you deed, what is on the deed over rides any ';opinion'; including a survey in which an honest error was made. If so the only way to clear it up is a survey, offer to split the cost with her. The property transfer and your mortgage are public record ( I look at my family and neighbors all the time, just out of interest), I can go onto the County Courthouse records website and tell you how much you paid and how much your original mortgage was, how many times you have refinanced, any liens, and any home equity loans, as well as any previous property you have purchased or sold. I can't see the terms, ie. interest rate, points paid, escrow amount. etc. This all public record, the only thing she can do with you account number is make a payment for you.What can I do about my neighbor sending me a letter with my personal mortgage account number?
Get a lawyer. Sounds like she violated your Privacy Rights.
Get a locking mailbox. If you get a statement from your bank every month she may have gotten it out of your mailbox, and tampering with mail is illegal.

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