Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Can i give my house back to mortgage company complicated situation?

My name is on the deed but my ex;s name is on the mortgage not mine. He left the country to never come back. I want to move and give the house back to mortgage company how do i do that? Not sure if it will effect my credit they do not have my ssn. Can i give my house back to mortgage company complicated situation?
If your name is NOT on the mortgage, then you have no obligation. I would talk with a lawyer first, just to make sure.

Can i give my house back to mortgage company complicated situation?
If you are not on the mortgage, then you will not be affected at all. You simply own a house that the mortgage is not being paid. If you have equity, try selling the home or refinance. If no equity, then there is nothing you can do. Just enjoy rent-free living.

Deed in lieu of foreclosure will only work if you are on the loan.

It won't affect your credit b/c you never had a legal contract with the bank.

You don't owe the mortgage, however, you do owe the property taxes and any HOA fees as the owner of deed.

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