Friday, August 20, 2010

How can I find out who the mortgage lender is on a particular property ?

the question relates to a property in the UK.How can I find out who the mortgage lender is on a particular property ?
The Land Registry records (there is a charge to obtain them) show who has a charge on the property.How can I find out who the mortgage lender is on a particular property ?
I don't think you can, and I'm a bit confused as why you would want to. The mortgage is taken out by the owner and they have the right to switch mortgages. I change my mortgage provider every 3years.
I hope you can't. I am a property owner in Scotland and I built this mother myself. I know that folk can check the last sale price but as my house is a first owner thing i would hate to think anyone had access to my mortgage account details. Why should anyone be allowed or infact need to know this?

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