Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Do mortgage papers list the terms of foreclosure proceedings?

If I go through foreclosure, I want to know what happens such as what happens to the balance of the mortgage owed. My mortgage is with Citimortgage and it is A paper fixed 30 year from a few years back if that makes any difference to anyone who may know. I lost my job and it's only a matter of time before I lose my house, which is worth 40% of my mortgage balance so I don't have the option of selling. Please help I am stressed out beyond words to describe it.Do mortgage papers list the terms of foreclosure proceedings?
Mortgage papers usually list the foreclosure process in case of a default. But unless you are a real estate professional it will be very hard to understand the terminology. Typically when you stop making payments the mortgage company will contact you with options, or with a time line of the foreclosure process. I strongly suggest that you contact a Realtor. You have several options. Losing your property should not be one of them, you have invested so much. Consider a short sale, in this case the bank allows you to sell your property for market value, and forgives the difference or balance owed due to your financial hard ship. This helps you avoid foreclosure and saves your credit. Look into all your options and make an informed decision.Do mortgage papers list the terms of foreclosure proceedings?
i'm really sorry to hear about your situation, that sucks. i would recommend speaking with a lawyer about your options.

if you really want to keep your home, is there any possibility that you could rent it out while you stay with relatives for a while?

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