Sunday, August 22, 2010

What government agency would I contact for mortgage help?

I was laid-off from work within the last year and it is becoming increasingly difficult to make my mortgage payment each month. I contacted BoA, who holds my loan and they said there was nothing they could do without paying hefty closing costs to refinance, which mI currently do not have. I thought I was a prime candidate for refi with my current situation. Could someone please direct me to the correct government agency that is responsible for the housing stimulus. Thanks in advance.What government agency would I contact for mortgage help?
Your best bet is to modify your loan because being unemployed pretty much disqualifies you from refinancing. You can call a HUD counselor for free assistance - I don't know what state you're in but for California the number is (800) 569-4287 or check HUD online ( for your local number.

You can also try and do this yourself but it'll require patience and persistence. Check out BofA's website and do your homework. There's a number on their site you can call to start the process or call the customer service number on your monthly mortgage statement and ask for the loan modification/home retention department. Tell them your financial hardship and give them your current income (unemployment benefits?) and expenses. From that point, if they ';pre-qualify'; you for a loan mod, they'll tell you what other documents you'll need to send them. After that, it becomes a waiting game as loan mods tend to take at least 60 days, unless you're fortunate enough to get the ';right'; people working on your file. Call them EVERY week or two to get a status check on the progress off your file and keep notes of who you talked to.

Another option is to have a loan modification company do the work for you. Yes, they will charge you a fee but it can be worth it. Believe it or not, there are a few legitimate loan modification companies out there. One big caveat though, BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL with the company you select as there are many scams and fraudulent companies out there! Do your homework on the company you pick and ask them a lot of questions until your confident they are legit...if not, then you still have the other options stated above.What government agency would I contact for mortgage help?
There isn't a government office, if you qualify for any mortgage programs you apply via your lender.

But if you are unemployed I can tell you that you will not qualify for any programs. You are not ';a prime candidate'; as no modification would do any good, you have no way to pay for your loan.

Your best bet would be to sell and buy something that fits your current life style and income level.
Are you under water on your mortgage (owe more than the home is worth)?

If so you can try to do a short sale, and you have to work very closely with the lender to do that, but it is better than having a foreclosure.

If you have equity in your home, why not just sell it and rent something you can afford for a while?

Other options, take in tenants, rent the whole house out.
Keep calling BofA, everyday if you have to. Always ask to speak only to the Home Retention Department, nobody else. They will give you answers that you do not want to hear, but keep calling, eventually you will get satisfactory results, but be careful about accepting their first offer, a lot of times you will get a better offer if you hold out, but that too is a gamble. DO NOT pay anyone to do a modification, for one, you will lose your money, and secondly, it is now against the law to pay upfront for a modification.
You need to contact HUD or go to their website, they have tons of useful information. Hope this helps.

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