Sunday, August 22, 2010

Why the hell should I pay my mortgage if all the deadbeats are getting a break?

I am so tired of working hard, and watching leeches, morons and ******* just sit back and have uncle SAM give them all they want. I have to say screw this. Where so I sign up for this cornucopia of plenty.Why the hell should I pay my mortgage if all the deadbeats are getting a break?
preach to the choir brotherWhy the hell should I pay my mortgage if all the deadbeats are getting a break?
Well, first of all, recognize that the people who might benefit from any bailout already have their credit destroyed. No bailout will solve that, nor will any program I have seen actually solve their underlying debt problem. All that MIGHT happen is that actual foreclosure action will be temporarily halted. Personally, I don't think that will do diddly to save people's homes, since by the time they get close to foreclosure, most are in so deep nothing is going to get them out.

Nevertheless, let's say you chose to stop paying your mortgage in hopes of some bailout saving your home. I'll pose a hypothetical situation to you:

Say your city is hit with a massive power failure. Mobs are in the street looting. Do you join them? No? Why? Is it perhaps because you have a conscience and could never live with yourself knowing you'd joined the ranks of the mob?

Most people (all appearances aside) are good, hard working people who pay their debts. I hope you are one of those, NOT one of the leeches and morons as you call them.
You are sorely mistaken as to the limited aid is being provided, but if you really believe that there is some great reward being provided to deadbeats, then the answer is simple: Stop paying your mortgage. See what happens. I guarantee you it will not be the cornucopia of plenty you are expecting.

Bottomline answer is: If people who are not paying their mortgage were, in fact, getting some great break, then you should stop paying your mortgage. But, since that isn't really happening, you should shut up, keep paying, and stop whining.
Well, you can do whatever you so please, but so far you are a better person because you do work hard to pay your bills on time and your home isnt foreclosed.

But, if you purposely dont pay your mortgage and become a bum, then you are even worse than them because most of them are trying and that is just their last step of failure.

Like i said, do what you please but i believe you should continue to work hard at it. you will feel 1000 times better once its paid off from YOUR hard work.
I hear ya. I could kick myself for being an honest responsible citizen by working hard and paying my mortgage off ahead of schedule. I should have lived irresponsibly, gone into insurmountable debt, cried to my Big Communist Daddy Obama about it and received praise and adoration and media attention and had the taxpayers foot the bill for my stupidity.

Damn!!!! Live and learn!!
la la la la la

i'm an alto can hit soprano from time to time -- may i join your choir? i keep telling myself -- my credit rating is good. i got a new mortgage with good rates in minutes..... my credit rating is good. i got a new mortgage with good rates in minutes..... my credit rating is good. i got a new mortgage with good rates in minutes..... my credit rating is good. i got a new mortgage with good rates in minutes..... my credit rating is good. i got a new mortgage with good rates in minutes..... my credit rating is good. i got a new mortgage with good rates in minutes.....
Conservative sheep are not unlike the liberal variety......unaware of the REALITY around them...and PROUD of it.

Leeches? yes leeches like Bank of america, chase manhattan, goldman sachs, lehmen bros., ON AND ON AND ON 8.5 trillion worth! SO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THAT THIS WAS CAUSED BY SUB-PRIME HOME LOANS? AND PIGS FLY!

....Sheepies, what do you think this will do to the economy? Who will be responsible for this? This was a COUP!

WHAT WILL YOU DO WHEN YOU GET LAID OFF? Lose your house, car, and are forced to forage for food and medicine for your kids?
Because your mother is being kind enough to let you live in her basement; the least you can do is chip in for a piece of the mortgage payments with the money you get from your paper route.
No one sez that you must pay your mortgage, Just wait and see what happens. Then you can rant about the democrats like your friends here.
You need to lose your conscious and learn to abuse the system. Until then you need to keep paying for what you want. It sucks to be human doesn't it?
Fine. You shall be an experiment. Stop paying your mortgage and your taxes and see what happens. I think you may be surprised.
It's such a joke all these people that need a bailout where's my bailout I would love to get a fat check for screwing up. Also we should just let's these morons live on the streets and slowly die off
I think it'd be more fulfilling to do something with your life. I'm sure the people who sit around and watch tv to pay for their crap are pretty sorry sacks.
Hmmmm....I paid for my house. And my car. And my toys. And my .....

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